Thursday 24 June 2010

5 days to go!

Many apologies for not keeping up to my Blog this week, I have been locked away in a school room typing out the assessment documents for the Vocational Area. These consist of three key skill areas: Personal Presentation, Communication and Social Integration and Community. These are the core skill areas, each having assessment indicators (about 90 overall). So it is a bit of admin to say the least; unfortunately, the computer and printer are not performing as they should, which is slowing things down for me. I would like to get all this work complete as soon as possible and then spend the remaining days working with the students. I would not like to leave without completing all the things I set out to do so it is full steam ahead. The printer would not work today and it rained all day so I went down to the Vocational Centre and helped some of the students weighing and bagging vegetables they had picked from the garden area.

In the afternoon, I showed them how to sing ‘We will rock you’ by Queen, wish I had videoed it as it they were very good considering we only had a tambourine; most of them already knew some of the words, which totally impressed me. I have been asked to play football on Friday; I hope they have got space on the plane for a wheelchair and crutchesJ.

I told the school I will be happy to come to school next Monday (day before flying out) to give a talk to the teachers; this will hopefully give them the opportunity to discuss any concerns with a relatively neutral person and hopefully generate some solutions.

Well as I mentioned, the rainy season has come in with a vengeance so it looks like any time I get off will not be used trying to get a suntan but all-in-all, my time here has been challenging, exciting and a bag full of good memories and friends. More photos to follow.

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