Tuesday 8 June 2010

The Simpsons

Monday 7th June 2010

Attended morning assembly then met Danny who is autistic; we discussed his concerns and agreed possible strategies to work towards solutions. We worked on setting questions that Danny would feel comfortable asking other students to assist in initiating a conversation and work towards develop his social skills.

Met with Rodney and continued work on assessments; agreed to focus on the key areas of communication, social integration and personal presentation. After lunch we provided tuition for three students who wanted to play table tennis; apparently the school plays against another school as part of a special sports day. Last time we were beat in table tennis (so the gloves are off for the next sports day). I had a game of football with Imran who is a big fan of Rooney. When he scored he did a very impressive impersonation of Rooney (without the swearing); unfortunately rain stopped play part way through.

Imran and Christian, waiting to restart football. Today was a hot but very productive day for me as I got to know more students.

Tuesday 8th June 2010

Met with a student who is currently on work placement in the security sector of the hotel where I am staying. We spent most of the morning discussing his concerns regarding his work and personal development. We agreed that Rodney and I would arrange meetings with his supervisor and his guardians. I felt this was a good session, not just because of the positive outcomes but I feel I am gaining more valuable experience in this field. The afternoon was spent developing the core skills checklist for the three key areas identified on Monday. While I was on the computer, I let Imran, Kevin and shervaughen watch the Simpsons during their break. They were transfixed, as they have never seen this programme before; they couldn’t stop laughing. After break we had a discussion session with all the vocational students. For the latter half the questions were focused on me to assist the students develop their communication skills; this went well and I feel this should happen at the end of each day, very productive!

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