Thursday 17 June 2010

The School Band

Thursday 17th June 2010

Arrived at school saying good morning and shaking hands with at least 20 students before reaching my room; this is the culture adopted throughout the school – and across the island, which would be a bad thing in English schools. I needed to find a quiet place to work today as I have the concerns and recommendations from the meetings to type up. If I don’t find a quiet room to do my work, within 2 minutes, I am approached by students wanting to either do some reading, writing or develop their skills on the Internet. I was informed of some issues concerning a student outside of school and asked if I could speak to them tomorrow, so it is back with my counselling hat on tomorrow. I managed to get most of my work done by 12.00 as the senior school band is performing at t hotel for lunch time and I promised the students I would be there. While I was walking through the school I could hear the band busily making some final adjustments to their music.

Practice time

I arrived at the hotel in the same coach as the band. They played very well, unfortunately because of the time of year, the number of people in the restaurant was limited to about 15 but we all made up for it by clapping extra loud and shouting for more. They played for just short of one hour, which is amazing. When they had finished, they were all given lunch by the hotel. We all had a great time, I was so impressed with how they can all remember the intricate changes in timing.

Performing live at the Bel Jou Hotel

Having a well earned meal after the performance

Well it’s sports day tomorrow so I had better limber up, take my trainers and about five pints of water.

1 comment:

  1. hi alan
    photos look great ,sound s like you ve got your hands full , but enjoying it also'
    views look good too, have you mentioned you can sing ' why not give them a tune befor you return , i m sure theyd love it ,
    i think your right you an andrea would both love it next year ,
    well done al yo doin great x
    yo lil bro paul x
