Saturday 19 June 2010

Just over one week left, time is flying

Friday 18th June 2010

Today I was asked to visit a student on his work placement and discuss with him the potential consequences of his inappropriate activities on leaving work each day. This was for me a very sensitive meeting as I was required to respond to the student’s guardian’s concerns, the schools concerns and the student’s welfare and safety. I felt the meeting went well as I was able to adapt the language used to include incentives and consequences that the student could relate to; Time will tell.

On arrival back at school, I continued with some typing (not my favourite hobby) then it was lunch time. After lunch, it rained heavily, which delayed the sports afternoon but this did not stop the students’ enthusiasm; the minute the rain stopped we were out slipping and sliding all over the place, my team lost (well, got to give the other team a chance as we won last weekJ); I don’t understand it, the other team said I was cheating just because their goal became a lot wider than our goal, I don’t know how it happened, honest! J. Some of the students need to be signed up for England, they all certainly had more motivation, energy, and in some cases, more skills! Managed to get a photograph of the team working in the garden before the rain came down; the variety of food that is being grown is amazing considering one teacher (Rodney) is coordinting it all, more photos to follow next week when I hope to spend a bit of time in this area.

On leaving for the day one of the teachers gave me a hand made Father’s Day card from all the students I am working with; this really touched me; clearly, the little things in life can often mean the most.

Caroline (School principal) and her husband joined all the volunteers for dinner as the remaining volunteers, excluding me, will be flying back to England on Tuesday. I will be the last volunteer before the school closes until September, so I will be ‘Billy no mates’ for the last week, ah! ah!J; I’m sure the students will make sure I am fully occupied throughout the week and I think Rodney may ask me to go in on the last Monday before I fly out.

Saturday 19th June 2010

Went into Castries today to get some photographs of the main food market, which is an experience in itself. Unfortunately, the sky was cloudy all day with rain; I took some anyway and will go back next Saturday (fingers crossed).

Got back to the hotel for lunch-time, wrote my blog and a chilled out for the afternoon with a book I have been promising myself I would read. Next week will be quite heavy as I am off Monday (going on a rain forest trail) and I need to ensure the assessment documents are finished (about 40 of them) before I finish on Friday.

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