Thursday 3 June 2010

Day 2, Wednesday 2nd June 2010

Met with Caroline (School Principal) to get an overview of Dunnattar School and discuss potential areas I may be able to assist over the next four weeks. After talking to Caroline, it is not difficult to see how Dunnattar has been providing the high level of support over the past 23 years; Caroline is so passionate and motivated towards helping the students.

The school has 75 students aged between 5 and 25, with 14 of the students (aged 16 to 25) attending the Vocational Training Centre, which could be the area I will be working. These students are working towards developing their interpersonal and vocational skills to gain employment opportunities. Once they achieve a competant level in all areas, support is then provided during the transition from school to work.

I was expecting to start at the school today but it is a public holiday across the island for Corpus Christi so schools are closed for the day. I will be starting tomorrow (Friday) and apparently it is a sports day so it's on with the track suit and getting fit J

A quick word about the hotel before the blog gets taken over by my work at school; the hotel is amazing and staff are so friendly. It is very hot and humid at the moment as we are in ‘hurricane season’; hopefully this event will keep at bay. The sounds of the wildlife in the evening are equally amazing and so loud. If I could upload a sound file I would put it on my blog so you could listen to what I fall asleep to (something for me to work on).

Well I don’t wish to make you all jealous J but I am off now to have a quick dip in the hotel pool and another banana and coconut smoothy before work starts in earnest tomorrow.

View from my office of work and my backyard pool (I wish!)

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