Monday 21 June 2010

Rainforest trip

Monday 21st June 2010

Rainforest trail, set out at 08.30 and finished at 12.00; though I probably benefited from the exercise, it was largely disappointing as I expected to see some wildlife, birds, snakes etc. apparently you need to be there early in the morning (5-6 am) to catch the birds. I saw plenty of land crabs, mosquitoes and wada ants (that bite) and heard some tree frogs but nothing to really write home about. Yes, the St Lucian Parrot is still a mystery, so I am unable to do the Monty Python parrot sketch (lucky people).

We seek him here we seek him there

This is two of the chaps that joined the trail. But still no Parrottt!!!

On returning to the bus, I was glad I packed a spare T shirt as my shirt was soaked through. When I got to the hotel, Shervaughan was on the security gate (one of the students I have been working with), he noticed me in the bus and gave me a big smile, which, if you know Shervaughan is extremely rare given his level of autism. That alone lifted my spirits after a relatively disappointing trail.

In the reception, the rep asked how the trail went, he told me that there is another trail on the other side of St Lucia that has lots of wildlife but it has not been checked by the agents for safety. I would imagine that will be where all the snakes have gone to for some peace. If I do take another trip out here, I will endeavour to get on that particular trail. Just made it back in time to get a shower and watch the Spain against Honduras match. I am now looking forward to getting back into school tomorrow.

So that I don't dissapoint any readers of my blog, here is the St Lucia Parrot; I would dearly love to say I took this photo, but sadly, this is courtesy of Google.

Maybe next time!

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