Saturday 26 June 2010

Count down

Friday 25th June 2010

Finalised my assessment work and stitched up Imran’s pocket. After morning break, I spent some time with Danny on the computer to finish off his work on student profiles. Just when I thought it was safe to go outside, I was asked to join the dance class (I know what you are thinking, I had the same thoughts, but I could not get out of it); needless to say, the students enjoyed showing their skills and showing me up, which is not hard to do if you have ever seen me try to dance J.

Stretching exercises before the dance class.
I skipped this bit!!

After lunch I was asked to take out a pane of class that was broken, a young child with autism had thrown a tantrum and smashed with their hand; fortunately, the child was not harmed but clearly, from the state of the window, there could have been a major accident. I was surprised to learn that this window was broken two days earlier and that nobody had fixed it.

Football went as planned, I showed the students all I know (did not take long!) and left the field dripping in sweat (what an image J).
The students showing their skills

Me in action (or inaction)

Got back to my hotel room and half an hour later I received a telephone call telling me that one of the students was causing their parents problems (that’s putting it politely), I managed to get to talk to the student before the night was out and things have calmed down in the household (touch wood). We are so privileged having Social Services in England, despite the bad press they may sometimes get.

Now for a relaxing lager and bed (probably not in that order); back to school on Monday for my last day, I know it will definitely be emotional from my part as everybody’s welcomed me as part of the school, all the students are asking me when I am leaving and when will I be coming back L.

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